The Hoggetowne Medieval Faire
January 15&16, 22&23, 28-30, 2022
9:30 AM to 5:00 PM (Friday Jan. 28 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM)
9409 SW Archer Road, Gainesville, FL 32608
(next to Celebration United Methodist Church not Fire Station #81)
Welcome to the 2022 Hoggetowne Medieval Faire Demo.
Members of the SCA, An Crosaire is looking for volunteers for our big annual demo!
Fighters - both heavy and light weapons wanted for fighting demos.
Artisans and craft persons to show how it's done in our "village".
Musicians and dancers for dancing demos.
Hospitalliers to welcome fair-goers and be a spokesperson for the SCA.
Volunteers to give our artisans a break.
Thank you for all your help and support.
Contact: Catiana de Vannes
352-219-8696 (text is preferred)
Facebook or messenger Catiana de Vannes
Join our Facebook Group “SCA Demo at Hoggetowne Medieval Faire” (not the fastest or best way)
General Information if you are planning to volunteer with us:
Food: You can always eat the Faire food but the cost can be high. To save some money, An Crosaire has a meal plan for our volunteers for a minimal cost. Due to costs, there will be a specific limit to how much is being cooked. We serve breakfast for $3/person and lunch for $4/person
Accommodation: There are plenty of hotels in Gainesville, but if you want or need crash space, we have plenty of An Crosairans who will be more than happy to give you a place to stay.
Clothing: Please wear Ren Faire appropriate garb. We will have Viking, Greek and Roman, Italian, French, English in the tents. If you would like to be in the Living history area, expect to get dirtier than if you were in the demo tents. Bring a cloak. The weather always ranges from wet, to hot, to cold.
Please do NOT wear your SCA ranking jewelry or belts (unless that is the only belt you have). Our ranking system maybe confusing to the mundane populace.
Do NOT bring your expensive items with you. Thievery does happen (especially on kids day).
Do NOT bring live steel to the demo. Not even peace-tied live steel.